Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Don't Tess with Me (Dolly and Dotty)

Well, I had a fun surprise recently! I love to enter giveaways and contests that my fellow blogger goddesses hold and sometimes I even win them! Sometimes - let's not get too crazy here. I still stand by the claim that I am not very lucky and don't win very many contests. 

Recently, one of my favorite style bloggers, The Soubrette Brunette, had a Dolly and Dotty giveaway. I, of course, immediately entered and did all the required steps to be qualified to win. Like all the other giveaways I enter, I promptly forgot about it and carried on with life.

As you may have guessed, my little peanuts, I won! When I saw Sammi's email in my inbox announcing I had won a free Dolly and Dotty dress, I was absolutely surprised! I was also pleased as punch. Not counting the Collectif striped dress I shared last week, I have limited my dress budget now that I am unemployed (necessities only right now, people!) so getting to pick one for free during this time of restriction was very exciting for me. 

I have had my eye on the Tess dress for a while now. Ever since it was released, it had a small place in my heart. The lace cut-outs! The short sleeves! The full circle skirt! The colors! If this teal isn't your fav, the Tess dress comes in red, navy, and black as well. I was tempted to grab red (naturally) but didn't necessarily need yet ANOTHER red dress. Then I considered black for Halloween but would prefer a color for all year round so this peacock blue was the final choice! 

I am satisfied with the choice I made, though I still wonder how the red would look. Now that I think of it, most of my red dresses probably don't fit me these days so perhaps I DO need a new red dress? Ugh. Well, maybe I'll go ahead and snag the Tess in red with my first paycheck...whenever I finally find a job! 

I tell you, it's wild job hunting. I know I have shared a lot in previous posts so I won't dive TOO into it but MAN, it's...ugh (recently I shared a listing that in its list of job requirements, they chose to include "remain happy" and "be funny" and if that isn't the biggest deterrent ever, I don't know what is!).

Every time I hear my phone chime with an email notification, I get hopeful. Then when I see it's just my bank alerting me of a new statement, Verizon thanking me for my payment, or some marketing email from a brand I follow, I get so frustrated. I just want it to be a potential employer requesting an interview! ACK! 

Oh well! I suppose it's out of my hands once my resume is submitted. All I can do is hang tight and keep looking until the right opportunity comes together. I wish I could take a glimpse into the future and get an idea of what that is, though! Ha! 

Who's got a crystal ball I can borrow??