Tuesday, September 6, 2022

XOXO (Sarsparilly)

I've been ADORING Sarsparilly lately. After working with them recently, their dresses quickly rose to the top of my list with how PERFECTLY they fit and how lovely the quality of the items I received was. I am still impressed by the pieces. 

When they released the Love and Kisses dress as part of their Love collection, I gasped. For real! I mean look at how sweet and adorable this little number is! The white sure does make me nervous but boy, oh boy, do I adore the print and style of the dress. It SCREAMS summer staple with those darling little bows on the straps! 

Before you ask - HECK YES these straps are adjustable! I'm telling you, it's all these little details that make a massive difference with clothing for me. It makes the cost that much more worth it. I ordered my usual XL and, while the fit on this dress is a bit less perfect than the others, I couldn't have sized down to L so I'm good with it. The waist fits like a dream but there is definitely some extra space in the bust. Luckily, it isn't so noticeable with the straps tightened and would actually be an easy fix with a seamstress. 

Thanks to Sarsparilly, my wardrobe now has a healthy increase of pink. I am not mad at that! It's fun as heck! 

I actually rocked this outfit for the Spindles Annual Car Show this past weekend and took the stage in their pinup pageant. It was the perfect look! It's been so fun having car shows and pageants back. I've missed being around my retro gals! Viva East returned this past July and I was over the moon. It was great to be back with everyone and to crown the new finalists - the last Viva East pageant was in 2019 when I placed 2nd! 

We had such a great group of gals at the Ms. Spindles pageant this year. It was so fun hanging out with them before the contest and taking photos with the cars at the show. They all looked so adorable and really all rocked it - the judges had their work cut out for them, for sure. For me, it's always fun to hear how each gal shares their story when on stage. 

In the end, I took 3rd place/2nd runner up and I couldn't be more pleased! I was asked what book I found most inspirational and I shared how one of my favorite books as a kid (Norma Jean Jumping Bean) helped form the foundation of my colorful/confident self and taught me to embrace what made me unique (even the weird quirky bits) and just do what I love most, which was writing. I began writing stories, which led to books, and now, here I was, a published author making my little jumping bean self proud. 

If all that excitement wasn't enough, I'm heading off to Denver next week for my company's annual conference and I'm looking forward to seeing all my coworkers in person again. I haven't seen them IRL since last September! It's always an entirely different experience being there in person. 

It makes me miss having an actual office to go to daily (and dress up to do so, ha!) but, at the same time, working from home has been SO nice and has way too many perks to pass up. I suppose that just makes my annual trip out there that much more special!