Wednesday, October 14, 2020

If a Black Cat Should Cross Your Path...

How MUCH bad luck comes to you when a black cat crosses your path REALLY? Asking for a friend...

Because the last thing I need right now is more bad luck so if inserting these black kitties into these photos means I am ASKING for a curse of some kind, I am SCREWED.

I would have preferred featuring my own feline friend but something tells me Rubix would not appreciate chilling on the side of a busy street downtown to take photos with the most Halloween-esque wall I've found in town. 

I hate to say that, like the coat I shared last week, this skirt and sweater are not new. I scored this skirt earlier in 2020 in one of their famous 50% off sales and rocked it for St. Patrick's Day but did not share it on this blog (I wanted to save it for spooky season, naturally!). However, I noticed Collectif still has the skirt in stock for fall and they also released an Amber Lea dress with this stripe fabric that is PRECIOUS so if you're digging the color scheme but are MEH about skirts, that would be a fantastic alternative! 

This sweater is one of my favorites too. I actually received it from MAK Sweater last fall as a collaboration piece and love wearing it for Halloween. It's cute, cozy, and covered in little black cats. It's perfect for fall. You can still get it on their site and OMG THEY HAVE IT IN DIFFERENT COLORS!? Be still my little heart!

Well gosh does it make me happy to know I can provide you with a full outfit since these pieces are still in stock despite them being in my closet for some time now. Yipee! Speaking of some time now...

Job hunting has been...interesting. Whenever anyone asks me how it's going I tend to describe it as interesting or wild. It just IS. It's WEIRD out there right now, man. As you may recall, I've been applying my little booty off and have not had much luck. Now, I didn't anticipate getting a job RIGHT away (the last time I was job hunting, it took me about two months to get my last job) but I thought I'd at least have a few interviews by now. It may have taken me a couple months last time but I had handfuls of interviews at least. The silence is so FRUSTRATING and DEFEATING and OVERWHELMING.

Not to mention it's slim pickin's out there. There is just not a lot to pick from. I know it's out of my hands and not my fault but still. I know that it's just this stupid pandemic and there's a lot of competition right now with very few jobs to pick from but UGH. My gal pal, Jess, has a theory that people are also listing jobs now but aren't doing much with the applicants until after the elections or after the New Year when their books close or whatever. I have to say she makes a good point. It's getting late in the year. Who hires people this close to the end of the year? She thinks I'll start hearing back from a bunch after the holidays. I guess we'll see if she's right! Kind of frustrates me to think of that happening though, you know? 

In the meantime, I'm just making an effort to see people I don't get to see (safely, of course), spend more time with my Bubbie, and take little adventures for myself (uhhh there is a new donut shop opening IN MY TOWN next week!?) to keep myself busy. I also am doing all kinds of chores, getting Pas de Deux ready for publication (soon!!!!), and still trying to figure out how to help Rubix feel better with her over-grooming. Needless to say, I don't have many long boring days if you can believe it or not!

Let's just hope these self-imposed black cats don't make my luck even worse...