Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Strawberry Jammin' (Joanie Clothing)

I did something I have never done in the nearly 4 years of blogging (side note: 4 YEARS?!) last week. I took an unexpected and unannounced break from posting.

Even at my busiest, I have tried to make sure to leave 0 gaps in my posts - scheduling ahead as often as I can to ensure that even if something comes up or a busy weekend appears or the weather doesn't work with me, I never have to miss a week.

Last weekend, I sat down to edit photos I took in advance earlier this month and even though I got all the photos edited and ready to go, when I opened this post to begin, I just had nothing to say. I sat in front of my screen for a good 5-10 minutes before just admitting to myself that I had nothing and I decided to just let it be for the week and resume the following week.

So here I am. Sharing photos from at least 3 weeks ago in an adorable Joanie skirt that Jen from Dressing with Class got me for my birthday in July. It's precious, isn't it? All the little jam jars and berries. I had to break out my wicker strawberry purse to pose with. It'd just be silly not to, right?

Life has been a bit upside down lately. If it weren't for the wedding (LESS THAN 2 MONTHS TO GO, PEOPLE!), I don't know what I'd do. I am grateful for the wedding and to have someone like Cody to call my partner because ADULTING IS HARD, YOU GUYZ.

Never have I felt so challenged and disappointed. I won't share too much detail here but I decided to leave my job and last week was my last few days there. I didn't have another one lined up before I left (something I never thought I'd ever do) but I had to leave and take a moment to breathe.

All I will say is that it just wasn't a good environment or the right place for me and though I made a valiant effort (I stayed for 5 months to see if I could make it work), it just wasn't meant to be.

So now I am job hunting once again and trying to find a place in the work world. While doing so, I plan to get A LOT done that has been abandoned lately (such as deep cleaning this house, yo!), work on the wedding plans (in the final 2 month crunch now!) and go to Jazzercise a lot (hey, why not increase the workouts, right?).

Cody joked that he expects dinner on the table every night now that I am home all day but what a silly fiance, doesn't he realize he already has that royal treatment??

Boys! Am I right?