Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Never Fail Apple Crisp

Do you have a favorite dessert (or even dinner) that is so stupidly simple, it feels bizarre even calling it a "recipe" when you refer to it? Even better - you don't even NEED a recipe when you make it?

Apple Crisp is definitely one of those. I feel like you couldn't ask for a more simplified fall treat. I mean, how can you mess it up? It's apples with a flour/butter/sugar crumble on top. BOOM! You've yummified the literal fruits of your apple picking labor.

I have always loved Apple Crisp. It is the entire purpose of apple picking, if you ask me! What else are you gonna do with that huge bag of apples? OK, actually, there are a lot of things you can do with a big bag of apples: muffins, cakes, even a yummy topping for some pork chops!

Still, what it all comes down to every fall is a classic Apple Crisp.

Red and I go apple picking every fall together. I think we may do it solely for the apple crisp - and the excuse to buy some apple cider donuts. We fill up a big bag at the orchard, bring it back to my place, split it between the two of us and usually make a huge pan of Apple Crisp to eat for dinner.

Oh yes, Apple Crisp and ice cream for dinner! Woo! I'm an adult!


Growing up, we always used the same classic recipe and guess what? I'm going to share it with you today. With the required whopping scoop of vanilla ice cream on top because, well, DUH! 

I bet there are a lot of yummy Apple Crisp variations, too. Do you have any? I bet throwing in some oats wouldn't be too bad or adding some additional spices to the cinnamon. Oooo! What about adding other fruits? Or mixing up your apple varieties?

Really, the possibilities could be endless.

I still prefer it plain, simple, made with 4 ingredients, and topped with a melting blob of ice cream.

Call me boring all you want, but nothing's better than the classic!

What's your favorite fall treat to make after apple picking?

Never Fail Apple Crisp

  • 6 big apples (or 10 small)
  • 1 /14 cup sugar
  • 2 cups flour
  • 2 teaspoons cinnamon
  • 1 1/2 sticks of butter
  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
  2. Core and slice apples as desired (I like chunks, others like half moon slices, etc.).
  3. Place all apples into bottom of 9x13 baking pan.
  4. Combine sugar, flour, cinnamon, and butter in a bowl until mixed and clumpy.
  5. Cover apples with sugar/flour/butter mixture and press down.
  6. Sprinkle top with extra cinnamon (if desired).
  7. Bake for 50-60 minutes until brown and bubbly.
  8. Top with your favorite vanilla ice cream and enjoy!