Monday, October 13, 2014

Anna's Senior Portraits at Ashland State Park

I met Anna and had her portrait submitted to her school all within 4 days. Right? It was a funny story, really! It was a Saturday morning when I got a call from her Mom, Sandra. Cody and I had finished breakfast, were hanging out on the couch, when my phone rang. Upon answering, I was greeted by the sweetest woman who was frantic. Her daughter's senior portrait was due to the yearbook and they hadn't gotten a chance to get them taken. Great, I thought, a possible new client!

"When can we meet and get to know each other to plan the session?" I asked, offering what I normally offer, which is to meet the client prior to them booking with me to get to know each other.

"The thing is," Sandra continued, laughing nervously, "the photo is due FRIDAY."

Well that changed things! Instead of meeting, we simply agreed on the details right then and there. Within an hour, we had a plan set and I would meet Anna the following morning for a couple hours to take her portraits.

"We just need ONE! We just need ONE photo to submit to the yearbook!" Sandra exclaimed. I could only imagine how nervous she felt, as the mother, about getting the right portrait of her daughter for the yearbook.

I was up to the challenge!

So I met up with Anna, who lives only 5 minutes from me, and we had fun at Ashland State Park on a sunny crisp Sunday morning. Little did Sandra know, we were going to capture quite a few fantastic shots of Anna! By Tuesday night, we had the final photos uploaded and Anna and her mom started narrowing them down like pros. It was actually quite fun to work so closely with such a limited amount of time. I am so glad I got to meet Anna and her mom and hope to see them again!

Here are some of my favorites from the session!